If you are interested in possible retailer opportunities, please provide answers to the following questions and send them to:
- Contact details?
- Who is your current supplier?
- When does your current agreement end?
- What is your current volume per annum?
Please note: When your details are received via email they will be forwarded to the relevant Texaco Business Manager who will contact you to discuss your requirements further. Your details will only be used for this purpose.
If you are interested in becoming a Texaco distributor, please provide answers to the following questions and send them to:
- Contact details?
- Who is your current supplier(s) and what terminal(s) do you currently lift from?
- Are you able to lift ex-rack or will you require our Distribution fleet to deliver to your depot(s)?
- What is your current volume by product (ULSP, ULSD, LSGO, Kerosene)?
Please note: When your details are received via email they will be forwarded to the relevant Texaco Commercial Business Manager who will contact you to discuss your requirements further. All information will be treated confidentially and will only be used for the purpose of fuel purchase or distribution.
Valero supports a number of national charities and some charities local to our operations in Ireland. Unfortunately as our budget is allocated in advance, we are only able to support a small number of additional requests through the Valero Volunteer Programme. For further information please contact Customer Care:
Whilst Valero has a licence to use the Texaco brand in Ireland, it does not own or operate any of the Texaco-branded service stations. They are all owned and operated by independent retailers to whom we supply Texaco fuel. We recommend you contact the service stations directly.
All Texaco branded service stations in Ireland are owned and operated by independent retailers to whom we supply the fuel. Therefore, all service station job opportunities should be submitted directly to the Texaco service station owner.
Please contact Chevron Lubricants on:
Tel: +44 (0)20 7719 2391